Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The First Week

So we've been in Florida for almost a week now, and boy has it been interesting.
Our drive down here wasn't very exciting.  We had technical difficulties with our technology, so instead of listening to "Catching Fire" like we had hoped, we ended up channel surfing the radio and listening to NPR.

We did go see a Civil War battlefield in Tennessee, and that was really cool  It had a great museum, and the grounds were really nice.  We learned a lot in the two hours we were there.

We got to Florida on Wednesday night, and had a very optimistic attitude about everything.  We were going to sign up for internet the next day, our stuff was going to get here Friday, we were all good.  PLUS I got a call Wednesday morning from a school asking me to come in the next day for a job interview.  So we went shopping and got me some clothes to wear to said interview, got some food, and then called it a night.

Thursday we were still having a great time.  I went to my job interview, and it went REALLY well, and then we went and signed up for internet, and that went really well.  We chillaxed at the apartment most of the day and everything was going well.

Flashforward to Friday: The cube people called and told us that because of the rain, they couldn't deliver the cubes until Monday....so that meant we were going to be without stuff through the weekend.  We were bummed out majorly.  Then on Saturday, Comcast decided to screw us over, and we couldn't get internet.  I won't get into it all, but by Saturday night we were super angry.  So, on Sunday, we decided to make the best out of a crummy situation, and we drove to the beach.  We walked around, and enjoyed it.

Monday came, and after fighting and debating, we quit Comcast, only to rejoin it.  Our Cubes came in the evening, and then today we got internet and tv and internet.  Things are beginning to look up!   Oh, and I got a job at the school I interviewed at.  Everything is coming up Caffrey right now :)

Hopefully things will slow down, and we'll get to enjoy our last month of vacation before school starts!!

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