Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Year, New Attitudes, New Resolutions

I know it's been a long time since I've blogged, and it's not like there hasn't been a lot to blog about, I just kind of dropped the ball on blogging.  The fall was really hard for me.  I had a hard September: I hated my job, I cried every day, I fell into a bit of a depression.  But October really turned things around.  I got a new job that I love, I've made friends, so that really helped turn my attitude around.  I'm now much happier, and we are both really starting to feel at home here in Florida.

With 2012 beginning, I started to think about how awesome 2011 was to us, finally getting Matt a job, moving to Florida, meeting new friends, and I decided I wanted to set some goals for 2012.  Not the typical Resolution of losing weight and getting in shape (those are pretty much given until I lose weight and get in shape), but some other goals that I really want to try and make happen this year.

It's no secret that Matt and I want to start our family this year, so I guess that's our big goal.  Become ready to let a baby join our family.  We want to be both emotionally ready and financially stable, so that's a good goal to have at the beginning of this year.

Another goal I have has to do with my writing.  I would like to make my writing profitable.  So my goals come in 3 parts for this one.  1) I would like to finish writing my novel that I wrote for NaNoWriMo this year. That includes writing the last 1/4, and completing the editing process. 2) I am going to focus on writing more short stories, beginning with working on a short story for a contest the Nerdfighter community is putting on beginning this spring.  3) Finish the fanfiction that I started almost 2 years ago.  My fans demand me finish it, and I know this doesn't go with making my writing profitable, it's something fun, and I love getting the feedback from my friends/fans/readers.  All of these goals will culminate with me either A) Sending things out in the attempt to get published or B) Self-publishing on Amazon

Another goal is to blog more.  I find it relaxing and fun to just put things out there for everyone to read.  I want to try to post a blog here twice a month, if not more.

And finally my last goal for 2012 is to become closer to all the friends we are making down here.  I would like to get to know them all better and become close to them.

There you have it, my New Year's Resolutions.  I'm looking forward to 2012 to become a great year, and if I realize even half of these things, I think I would be a happy person :)