This week we learned two new sight words: HAD and OR.
Since it we were learning about Dr. Seuss, we decided this week was the perfect week to practice rhyming words. Arthur is a really good rhymer.
We also continued practicing the sight words we already know, and we practiced our hand writing skills.
We also started reading BOB Book #6, which has Arthur reading longer sentences, new words, and introduced the concept of the question mark.

This week we started working on identifying numbers over twenty, and we've moved on to simple addition problems. This is something we've been working on for a while, and he's gotten to the point where he can look at a problem, and he doesn't need to count the pictures. He can say, "two plus two equals four."
Who doesn't love a good baking soda and vinegar science experiment? We followed the theme by having a Green Eggs and Ham science experiment. Arthur dropped vinegar on the baking soda eggs. And when he got tired of that, he poured all the vinegar on the baking soda and had a blast playing in the paste that it made.
We made handprint fish in honor of the book, "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish."